On Feb. 15, a memorandum of understanding was signed between the Piedmont Region and Piedmont Foundations for collaboration under WECARE – Welfare Cantiere Regionale , the regional strategy for social innovation.

WECARE combines different measures and resources from the Structural Funds (15 million euros from the ESF and 5 from the ERDF) with the support of Piedmont Foundations to develop shared activities, with particular reference to projects in the field of community welfare, capable of responding innovatively to social problems. Presentation document

It is an interdisciplinary experience that is still unique in Italy, enhancing the collaboration between departments and between the Region and Piedmont Foundations, which have always been very active in the field of welfare (100 million euros disbursed in 2017).

In December 2017, the first call for proposals for the creation of “social cohesion districts,” aiming to stimulate collaborative processes in territories, test innovative territorial welfare actions and promote better local governance.

A second call dedicated to social innovation projects for the third sector will be released soon. This will be followed by launching initiatives to promote corporate welfare and strengthen entrepreneurial activities with strong social value.

An innovative and close-to-the-ground way to effectively use Structural Funds.

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