Over 1,000 downloads in the innovative “ePub” version (i.e., usable without an Internet connection), 34,000 page views, 6,000 users, predominantly Young people under 35, concentrated between Milan, Rome, Turin: these are some data on the use of the first free Digital Guide to EU Funds, produced by the CRT, Cariplo and CRC Foundations, under the sponsorship of Acri. Launched with the hashtag #euroguide last December, this practical-operational tool to support europlanning was updated today with an addition to Chapter 5 on indirectly managed funds (the so-called “structural funds”).

In particular, information has been included regarding all National Operational Programs (NOPs) and an in-depth look at the Regional Operational Programs (ROPs) of Lombardy, Piedmont and Aosta Valley. In the coming months, the chapter will be enriched with ROPs related to other Italian regions.

The one-minute video tutorial with cartoon-style graphic animations to raise awareness of the Guide has exceeded 2,000 views; even greater – more than 17,000 – is the number of people reached by posts on Fondazione CRT’s Facebook and Twitter channels related to this digital “compass” for navigating the complex system of resources made available by the EU until 2020: more than 200 billion in direct management by the European Commission, over 440 billion (of which 42.7 for Italy) in indirect (“structural”) funds, plus co-financing by the state and regions(28.4 billioninour country).

But who are the people who use this innovative tool aimed at entities, associations, organizations, and all stakeholders in the area interested in participating in European calls for proposals? An initial snapshot from Google Analytics shows that visitors are young and “smart.” 61% are under 35 years old, with a slight numerical superiority of men (54%) over women (46%), and a higher concentration in Piedmont, Lombardy, and Lazio: the podium of cities that have come into contact with the Guide includes Milan (19 percent of users), Rome (14 percent), Turin (11 percent), followed by Naples, Palermo, Bologna, Catania, Florence and Venice. Approximately 40 percent of total traffic comes from mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets, attributable to an audience that, if they are not true “digital natives” for demographic reasons, is certainly accustomed to consulting content online: the Guide ePub is truly “with them.”

To download the updated epub click here.