Here is for you a new version of the prospectus of European programs 2021-2027, with all the new features. We will continue to update it with all final versions of the regulations.

European programs 2021-2027, the Regulations: why are they important?

Every European program-whether directly or indirectly managed-is based on a regulation. The regulation is the legal foundation for the implementation of the program: it allows the European Commission and (generally) the managing authorities to act in accordance with the objectives, financial allocations, criteria and implementation modalities of the program itself, which were defined in a long, technical and democratic debate among the main EU institutions.

In addition to providing a legal basis, regulations contain the main information on which a program’s work plan, calls and projects are based. They are therefore the starting point for documenting the opportunities open in each programming cycle, and their final approval is a crucial moment that preludes the launch of new calls.

The road is only a little longer for calls funded by Structural Funds, which require further approval of specific documents(ROPs, NOPs and territorial cooperation programs). But everything is already in place for calls for many of the directly managed Community Programs.

European programs 2021-2027: Regulations, a long-standing focus

Because of their importance, drafts of the various regulations remain in the spotlight of insiders throughout the preparation period of a programming cycle.

Our Guide has been following this development for a long time already: for almost three years. For almost as long, it has been offering a prospectus that provides access, in just a few clicks, to key information regarding all the programs of the “new cycle” 2021-2027: structure, themes, financial allocation, and evolution of the legislative process of the various regulations.

The first final regulations of the Programs for Europe 2021-2027

The process of approving many regulations has finally been completed: to date, those related to the Digital Europe Program, the Single Market Program, the EU4Health Program, the Recovery and Resilience Facility, the Rights and Values and Justice programs, and the LIFE program have been finalized

We have devoted, and will still devote, specific in-depth pages on major programs and related regulations.

A new prospectus summarizing the 2021-2027 programming

As the new programming has reached an important first milestone, effectively marking its operational start, we have updated our now “historic” prospectus with the following information:

And now to the work

All that remains now is to make good use of this information, which will be constantly updated and remain as a reference point in the pages of our Guide, throughout the planning period.

Keep an eye on the prospectus and update links to get all the information about the new programming first.

Overview of EU funds and programs 2021-2027



I. Single market, innovation and digital agenda:143,381 mln € (*)


1) Research and innovation:88,159 mln €


2) European strategic investments:34,967 mln €


3) Single market:5,860 mln €


4) Space:€13,443 mln


II. Cohesion, resilience and values: €1,099,668 mln (*)


5) Regional development and cohesion:290,587 mln €


6) Recovery and resilience:692,995 mln € (*)


7) Investing in people, social cohesion and values:115,825 mln €


III. Natural resources and environment: 373,874 mln € (*)


8) Agriculture and maritime policy:350,376 mln € (*)


9) Environment and climate action:22,838 mln € (*)


IV. Migration and border management:22,671 mln €


10) Migration:9,789 mln €


11) Border management:12,680 mln €


V. Security and defense:€ 13,185 mln


12) Security:4,070 mln €

13) Defense:8,514 mln €


VI. Neighborhood and rest of the world: 98,419 €.


14) External action:85,245 mln €


15) Pre-accession assistance:12,565 mln €


VII. European public administration:€73,102 mln


Total: €1,824,300 mln
