We are in a very important period for European programs in the next seven-year period 2021-2027. In fact, the discussion of the new Community Financial Framework, which will define (in broad strokes) the funds available from directly and indirectly managed programs at the end of the current programming period, scheduled for 2020, has entered the mainstream.

La our guide provides some basic information for understanding the structure of the community budget, as well as a number of in-depth links. As a reminder, however, the information in our guide to date, including descriptions of community programs, covers the 2014-2020 programming period. In a little over two years there will be a new financial framework and, with it, many changes in the structure of European funds.

To stay constantly updated on “what’s cooking” for the next seven years, we recommend that you follow the special page of the European Commission dedicated to this topic .

The page presents:

2021 still seems a long way off, but following the community budget planning debate is a great way to arrive prepared and update your strategy based on future priorities.