The European Commission’s information centers in the territories join a network, for a closer and more accessible service.
A long-standing collaboration
The Guide to EU Projects and Funding has always collaborated actively with the European Commission’s information centers on the local organisations in Italy. We recounted the experiences and activities of the Centers Europe Direct of Turin e Cuneo , of the IUSE , of the EURES and of the EUI . More experiences and stories will follow in our future articles.
EUinPiedmont: a new platform
The European Commission’s information centers in Piedmont have formed a consortium by joining a common platform, called “The European Union in Piedmont” or more simply “ EUinPiedmont” . We directly resume the effective summary of the initiative presented on the platform:
European Commission information centers located in the Piedmont region join a network to strengthen the European Commission’s role as an active multiplier by providing local organisations with a coordinated service of activities and information on European Union opportunities, policies and priorities.
The European Union in Piedmont brings together the centers of the Europe Direct, EEN Enterprise Europe Network, EURES, Eurodesk, Euroguidance, and Creative Europe Desks, with the support of the Regional School Office and the City of Turin, and the support of the Piedmont representatives of the Committee of the Regions and the Economic and Social Committee.
The new network will facilitate access to information and opportunities for citizens, young people, and businesses.
The primary objective of the Regional Network of European Networks is to promote in a coordinated way, both with citizens and local media, all that Europe has to offer within the region.
The platform presents “personalized access points” to the support provided by the European Commission’s information centers in Piedmont, with links dedicated to each of the different target “audiences”: citizens who want to learn more, young people under 30, students and researchers, workers, businesses, educational institutes and organizations, and cultural and creative organizations.
An expanding network
The “The European Union in Piedmont” initiative is but the first experience carried out in Italy to unite all the European Union information funds (Europe Direct, Enterprise Europe Network, EURES, Documentation Centers and Desks, etc.) present in Italian and European territories in a single access point.
In fact, these services represent an emanation on the territories of the different DGs of the European Commission and refer to a common design. The common strategy envisions a gradual extension of these unified platforms to all Italian and European regions.
The Guide to EU Projects and Funding complements the efforts of this great network: let’s stay up to date and promote Europe, together.