European calls for proposals do not hibernate. Let’s discover together the many opportunities to take advantage of during these winter months.

The calls in some of the seven-year program-novities

These winter months offer us many opportunities related particularly to some of the most innovative programs of this seven-year period. We have selected for you the announcements of Digital Europe (a new program, which takes up one of the European Commission’s strategic priorities), of EU4Health (a program if not new, profoundly renewed and strengthened) and of Citizens, equality, rights and values (the result of merging, reorganizing and strengthening two previous programs). We also offer lots of new calls from some of the most historic and popular European programs: LIFE e Erasmus+ . Let’s find out together.


Digital Europe (deadline February 22, 2022)


EU4Health (due Jan. 25, 2022)

Grants for actions in the following areas:


Citizens, equality, rights and values (various deadlines)


LIFE (various deadlines)


Erasmus+ (various deadlines)

Actions: in other areas of education and training (Teacher training / EU Learning); in the field of higher education (centers of excellence / forms / professorships)

Networks: On foreign policy issues. / on internal EU issues / in other areas of education and training


So many opportunities to be seized

Of course, this is only part of the calls and opportunities available during these winter months. Stay updated and find out all about them on the Infobandi platform of CSVnet and on the appropriate portal European Commission.