We analyze funding opportunities and tools for tourism, a sector that cuts across EU funds and programs.

Tourism and other “cross-cutting” sectors

Major European programs and funds cover the main areas of EU intervention, but not always directly and specifically. In fact, they often have a broader thematic coverage than they are normally associated with. For example, Horizon Europe funds projects that can go beyond the common concept of “research.” The same applies to the LIFE (environment), Erasmus+ (education and training), ERDF and ESF+ (territorial and social development) programs; and many other funds and programs.

The “uncovering” of some thematic areas that do not have an expressly dedicated program or fund, such as tourism, is therefore only apparent. We have devoted some insights in the past to bridging this apparent gap, explaining:

Let’s talk about tourism (again)

We have already covered the topic of tourism a few years ago , offering a dedicated guide to opportunities and funding in this area. As we recalled then, tourism is a very important item for the economy of Italy and Europe, it is an outstanding vector of exchange and mutual acquaintance for the citizens of the Union and a key factor in the promotion of territories and European identity.

It is therefore not surprising that tourism is a thematic area effectively touched upon by community funds and programs: some of the major community programs, Regional Operational Programs, Rural Development Programs, and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. .

The old guide we had mentioned obviously refers to a programming period that has now ended, but it remains valid and interesting because many of the programs it covers still exist and continue to offer funding opportunities for the tourism sector in similar ways.

A new guide for the tourism industry

A new guide dedicated to the tourism sector , which follows in the footsteps of its predecessor but with a more practical and interactive vision. Unlike its predecessor (in pdf format), it is entirely online and is organized into four main sections:

An industry full of opportunities

There are many funds and programs relevant to the tourism sector:

We also point out other very interesting tools and information for those working in the tourism sector, made available on the appropriate thematic page :

A webinar series on e-business

Finally, we report a rich series of webinars made available to those working in the tourism sector, but also potentially of interest to those in other business sectors, focusing on the effective use of digital technologies:

A cross-cutting sector, but not overlooked

The tools proposed for the tourism sector are no match for those that community institutions make available in other areas more obviously related to major thematic community programs.

All that remains is to seize these opportunities and spread the information to all potential interested parties. You can do this through our channels Facebook e LinkedIn .

Write to us if you are interested in learning more about another subject area in a similar way or to tell us about your experience.