It’s a busy time for the Citizens, Equality Rights and Values program (also known as “CERV”): let’s find out what’s new together.

Upcoming and outgoing calls for proposals

The program Citizens, Equality Rights and Values (also known as “CERV,” from the English acronym) is a flagship program for civil society organizations active in a broad thematic area typical for the Third Sector.

At this time CERV offers many opportunities: some already open and expiring in the spring (April-June), others soon to open and expiring in September. Let’s find out together:

The CERV point of contact in Italy

The CERV program is more accessible than others , because it is aimed primarily at citizen associations and organizations that are not always structured to develop and manage complex projects.

A new platform to support Italian beneficiaries called “ CERVitalia “, with online content ( information e notices ) and a direct support service for organizations and citizens interested in the program:

The national contact point of the European CERV program is the program’s point of contact in Italy and has as its main task to promote the program, support Italian beneficiaries in submitting applications, and organize and participate in public information meetings, both online and in-person.

In addition, the national contact point aims to support the dissemination of the results of the funded projects and to assess and expand the impact, throughout the country, of the program and the policies it promotes, improve the implementation of the program itself through suggestions collected from beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries.


CERVitalia offers information and technical assistance on the program, supports the search for project partners, organizes events to promote the program, and promotes project results of Italian beneficiaries.

European days of civil society

Finally, they concluded in early March the European days of civil society 2023 . The event touched on very interesting topics, including for example: threats and transformations of civil society, skills and learning, civil dialogue and civil society funds, volunteering and resilience, participation and digital rights, and the role of youth.

The event was held over three days (for which all videos are available: Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 ) and in seven thematic workshops, accompanied by initial and final plenary sessions of introduction and restitution.

You can view the complete program of the three days and here a summary of the issues discussed , with papers and in-depth links (here in pdf version ).


The opportunities are many, the information and support ever closer, and the role of the Third Sector is at the center of interest and calls from the European Union. Enjoy your reading and participate widely.