Every year, major “European days” and “European weeks” are organized for various thematic areas. Find out the calendar.

“European days” and “European weeks”

“European weeks” and “European days” are privileged occasions for meetings and exchanges between actors involved in a given area: officials in charge of developing European policies and programs, organizations from all countries, possible partners, testimonials and bearers of successful ideas.

We have already discussed this in previous articles but now provide a complete orientation review, with all the dates to mark on your calendar. Indeed there are “European weeks” and “European days” really for everyone. Some are of particular relevance and visibility because they are organized directly by European institutions, are now an established tradition and have a very broad thematic scope. Others are more recent, cover a more specific area, and are carried out by other European organizations under the sponsorship or support of the Commission.

When they take place and how to participate

Many “European weeks” are held in the spring and fall, which represent the most concentrated moments of this type of event. All these events are now even more accessible than they used to be, because they are usually organized in a hybrid form, with the possibility of attending both in-person and remotely and viewing videos and materials at the end of the event.

Of course, our list is not exhaustive and the schedule of events may change from year to year. Moreover, it reports only the major events that are organized on an annual basis: there are other major events in all areas that are not repeated over the years, or initiatives organized during many other “European days” (if not world days) dedicated to specific issues, which we report at the end of this article. Some events are organized by European umbrella-organizations, in cooperation with community institutions.

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Infodays and other important events

European “days” or “weeks” do not exhaust the totality of important events organized within the framework of European projects. Even more specific and important events are the “Infodays,” which are sessions dedicated to the presentation of European programs, lines of action and calls for proposals, organized by the dedicated functions of the European Commission and its Agencies. The National Contact Points on the various European programs also organize Infodays dedicated to Italian beneficiaries. Infodays do not follow a regular schedule, but are normally organized close to the launch of new programs, intervention lines and calls. To keep abreast of the organization of Infodays, one should refer to the dedicated websites of these institutions and monitor the launch of new initiatives in the programs of interest, through our Guide and other tools. To get an indicative idea of the timing, it is possible to consult the work programs of the European programs of interest, for example, through theappropriate section of the Funding&Tenders portal. For the sake of completeness, we recall, among the tools to be monitored, the European Commission’s events page (events and workshops organized on a day-to-day basis), the European Commission’s streaming service (live recordings of major events), and the EU institutions’ YouTube channels.

The calendar of “European days” and “European weeks”









VARIABLE (normally, in spring or fall):


The calendar of other “special days”

On these other European or world days, thematic events are frequently organized: