We have been following the development of the EU budget, with particular reference to the 2021-2027 programming, with particular attention for some time.

How familiar are you with the EU budget?

Let’s find out together with a test proposed by the European Parliament.

In the meantime, we continue to update you by offering some important news on this very topic.

In parallel with the ups and downs of the financial framework that we have already told you about, the debate has also come to a head regarding European programs.

Indeed, the work of the Council Committees on many of the programs in the new programming period is coming to a close. The Council’s positions are thus beginning to be defined in preparation for final negotiations with the European Parliament. The main programs on which a definite position is beginning to emerge are:

Horizon Europe | Connecting Europe Mechanism | Single Market Program | EAGF and EAFRD | LIFE | Asylum and Migration Fund | Integrated Border Management Fund | European Defense Fund | Instrument for Neighborhood, Development and International Cooperation | Pre-accession Assistance.

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