The CRT Foundation supports the SPEAK project, which brings its innovative methodology for integrating migrants and refugees to Turin.

The SPEAK model originated in Portugal, where it has more than 6,500 participants from 110 different countries and where it has created a community that organizes cultural events and supports each other. The idea is simple: offer citizenship language classes and socialization events while providing an integration solution for immigrants that eliminates preconceptions, promotes equality and creates informal support networks among participants. SPEAK’s initiatives are free or low-cost, accessible through a simple online form.

SPEAK received the European Language Award given by the European Commission and was distinguished as the best Portuguese social project under development in the Social Innovation World Forum. The goal of SPEAK’s Turin test is to demonstrate the replicability of the intervention model in a European context.

Since the project was launched in March, 11 courses, 13 events have been organized in Turin, involving more than 200 people. Registration for volunteer teachers is open. Anyone can sign up to learn or share their language and culture, or to do both. All information is available at .