For you, a review of the news for the month of September, published on our Calls Portal. European, regional, national and territorial cooperation programs.

European calls for proposals 2024: European programs

The main changes from European programs include:

European calls for proposals 2024: regional programs

The most active Italian Regions and Autonomous Provinces in publishing new calls in September were Emilia Romagna (6), Lazio (5), Veneto (4), Campania, Sicily and Umbria (3), Valle d’Aosta, Tuscany and Trento (2), Liguria, Lombardy, Piedmont and Puglia (1). As a reminder, the expiration dates of previously published notices are updated in our Notice Portal when available. In this month: Friuli Venezia Giulia, Marche, Tuscany and Valle d’Aosta. However, we recommend referring to the official sites, which are updated more frequently and also include information on other calls of interest with different funding sources (PNRR and regional funds).

European calls for proposals 2024: national and territorial cooperation programs

In recent weeks, the new call of the Central Europe program on peripheral and distressed areas has been published and the second phase of the call for joint projects of the Greece-Italy program has been launched.An interesting call has also been published under the national Inclusion and Poverty Alleviation program, dedicated to the social inclusion of people at risk of marginality and to combating the situation of homeless people. As a reminder, our Calls Portal allows you to filter opportunities by expiration date, by program (or Region) and by keyword: you can browse dozens of other opportunities already published and still active. Good research to all and good work on European projects.