The European Recovery and Resilience Facility, the largest part of NGEU, the so-called Recovery Fund, got the green light from the European Parliament: let’s take stock of the situation.

Recovery Fund, A major new milestone

The Regulation on the European Recovery and Resilience Facility, i.e., the largest part of the Recovery Facility (or Next Generation EU: look here for some terminological clarity) was recently approved by the European Parliament.

The vote was held on Feb. 9 and was announced the following day: for those who wish to delve deeper, here (starting on page 377) are all the details of the vote, which was supported by a very large majority of MEPs.

The news was rightly hailed in the media as an important new step toward the availability of a large “package” of European funds, which are particularly needed for the economic and social recovery of Europe and our territories.

This is actually a very important milestone: it is the regulation defining the targets, amounts and rules for accessing the European Recovery and Resilience Facility. Here is the text of the resolution and the regulation, with the amendments proposed by the European Parliament.

Formal approval by the Council is now awaited, expected in the coming days and in line with the political agreement already reached in December. The Regulation will enter into force just as quickly, that is, the day after its publication in the Official Journal of the EU.

Recovery Fund, the main points of the regulation

The text of the regulation is long and complex, but we can take up its main points by following the analysis of the European Parliament(1 | 2), which focuses mainly on the following elements:

The control mechanisms

One of the most interesting and relevant aspects of the regulation concerns the multiple mechanisms for monitoring the effectiveness of the Device. Their goal is to ensure virtuous use of funds and prevent the so-called Recovery Fund from becoming an “automatic teller machine” for national or partisan interests. Specifically:

More specific guidance is provided in the European Commission’s guidelines for member states, which have recently been published in a more comprehensive and updated version, clarifying especially the content and technical elements expected from national plans.

What lies ahead?

What conclusions to draw from this concise reading of the document?

The first, is that the so-called Recovery Fund will follow, in its design and principles, a path very similar to that of European projects. The reading of the mechanisms and criteria provided for the use of funds closely recalls what we have recalled to be the raison d’être of European projects from the very first pages of our Guide: not a “stockpile of funds” available for any kind of intervention, but a way to realize the objectives and strategic priorities of the European Union and provide a concrete response to the real needs of European citizens, collectively understood.

The second, is that this is not an easy path, requiring seriousness and commitment. Many of us know from firsthand experience how much seriousness and commitment it takes to use European funds on a single project: well, this approach applies, all the more so, to the substantial amount of funds made available to our country under the European Recovery and Resilience Facility. Our recent examination of the concept of “absorptive capacity “-evidently a vulnus for our country-is illustrative of the efforts ahead.

Finally, our country is in a very particular political phase: what we have recently published about Next Generation EU, the Recovery Fund and the National Recovery and Resilience Plan remains valid in general terms, but it is clear that a broad revisiting of the Plan is expected as far as Italy is concerned. The final parts of our paper (starting with the section “Contents – provisional framework for Italy”) are likely to be modified once the country’s new political structure is defined.

In light of this new stage and the contents of the newly approved Regulations, we hope that the coming months will lead us to take full advantage of this unique opportunity for revitalization offered by European Recovery Fund funds.