It started in June ProGIreg , one of five European projects dedicated to inclusive urban regeneration based on environmental solutions.

After the official presentation in Dortmund (the project’s lead city) last fall, the first presentation workshops were also held in Turin and Zagreb, the other two European cities identified as “front-runners” in ProGIreg activities.

The ProGIreg project (an acronym for “ Pro ductive G reen I nfrastructure for post-industrial urban Reg eneration“) is the result of a very competitive selection process under the call “ Smart City – Horizon 2020 SCC2- Nature-based solutions for inclusive urban regeneration. “. Carrying a contribution of more than 10 million euros (including more than 2.5 for the Turin partners), it directly involves the Mirafiori Sud neighborhood and many local organisations in the Turin area: City, Polytechnic e University Turin, Environment Park, Mirafiori Community Foundation, Dual e Tall Gardens.

Over the next five years (2018-2023) ProGIreg will transform large areas of the South Mirafiori neighborhood into an open-air laboratory of technological and social innovation to experiment with nature- and environment-based urban regeneration solutions.

The project specifically includes:

A great example of how partnerships, innovative ideas and European projects can contribute to the development of our neighborhoods!