The Horizon call for the European “Green Deal” has recently been published , what is it?

It is, first of all, of the largest call in the Horizon 2020 program and the last Horizon 2020 call for this programming period. But it is also about a firm response on one of the strategic initiatives European Union, launched last year, the subject of a detailed roadmap official and an ambitious research and innovation plan.

More concretely, the “Green Deal” call includes. 1 billion euros of funds available for projects in 10 areas (eight thematic and two cross-cutting): combating climate change, clean energy, circular economy in industry, eco-efficient buildings, sustainable mobility, sustainable production and consumption, biodiversity and ecosystems, combating pollution and toxic substances, knowledge building and citizen empowerment.

A general brochure of the call can be found here, the list of calls here, and the information page of the APRE Agency, national reference for Horizon 2020 (which also includes the list of direct contact persons for each of the 10 areas) here. Here is an interesting presentation of the call and one on the support provided by the national contact points. The call deadline is scheduled for Jan. 26.

An initial presentation to launch the Green Deal call was held as part of the European Days for Research and Innovation (Sept. 22-24).

Program here and event videos here: talks related to the European “Green Deal” are inside Hub 2. The “Green Deal” call presentation was held on the afternoon of September 23 and continued the next day with related initiatives. By registering on the event website, you can directly access all the content of Hub 2 – “Green Deal.”

The APRE Agency is organizing a national information day on the “Green Deal” call on September 30: here is the program for the event, which can be followed via live streaming on the Agency’s Facebook page.

A wonderful opportunity for those of us involved in research, innovation, and the environment: attend in great numbers!

We also recall theappointment with Green Week, one of the most important moments for industry professionals, which will take place this year in October and will be fully streamed online, with exhibition areas accessible in 3D and a virtual networking lounge available to registered participants.

The event will be held between October 20 and 22 and will be a new, very important opportunity to talk about projects related to the “Green Deal” call.

Here is the program, here is the link to register-an opportunity not to be missed!