The just-concluded period of quarantine due to the Covid-19 emergency allowed us to take advantage of many opportunities for professional development and online training. Web-based course offerings have increased in all areas, and European design is also adapting.
The Guide to EU Projects and Funding has long offered self-training materials, which have recently been collected into a single section. Here you will find manuals, learning platforms and useful documentation to delve into many aspects of our business.
To allow you greater focus on the most comprehensive and popular tools, we have selected for you here the most interested videos, learning platforms and “containers” from those in these posts, sorting them by level of depth:
- As the main “binder” of materials on the European Union, we suggest the EU “library,” which is full of titles of reports, studies and pamphlets on every topic of EU interest ( our in-depth post here);
- If you are looking for activities with which to entertain adults and children alike, we offer a wealth of fun activities and educational games on the topic of the European Union, organized by age group, as well as the interesting trivia of the #EUverofalse column (here is our in-depth post );
- For those who need avery general introduction to European projects, we offer a short video from the European Parliament on this topic ( our in-depthpost here );
- Those interested in learning more about coordination within European projects can refer to the video tutorials produced by the CHAFEA agency ( our in-depth post here);
- If you are interested in webinars and in-depth studies on various subjects, we suggest the learning platform of InterregEurope (this is the page specifically dedicated to webinars, with the possibility of viewing videos of webinars already conducted in the past The topics are very varied and interesting: Energy efficiency in private buildings, river eco-tourism, digital transformation, access to research and innovation infrastructure, cultural heritage and sustainable tourism, “smart” transport systems , industrial modernization, insights into the application of “green” actions, green procurement, circular economy, and links to other activities carried out within the platform (here is our in-depth post );
- If, on the other hand, you are looking for real online courses, we recommend those made by the INTERACT program platform. With a small caveat: the courses are designed for Managing Authorities of Territorial Cooperation Programs and it is necessary to register(here) to access the courses. However, registration is free and you can indicate “other” in fields in you cannot locate a specific match to your situation. Here you can directly access the catalog of courses, of which we particularly recommend those less specifically related to INTERACT‘s (very timely) mission: for example:– how to identify good project ideas– how to write effectively– how to prepare good presentations– how project implementation works (particularly in the context of Interreg: here is our in-depth post ).
But there is also much more, not yet surveyed by our guidebook! An example?
The official YouTube channels of the European Commission, the main Directorates General, some Executive Agencies and major EU programs are a veritable mine of information and make it possible to view interesting courses, seminars and information animations online.
Here are some of them:
- About everything, more: European Commission | European Parliament | European Council | EPRS (European Parliament Research Service) | EEAS (EU external actions) | EU Publications Office | European Commission Representation in Italy
- Economic Development: DG GROW (parent DG) | EASME (parent agency) | Enterprise Europe Network (specific network)
- Research and innovation: DG RTD (parent DG) | Joint Research Centre (parent agency) | EASME (parent agency) | Horizon2020 (parent program) | CORDIS (specific service)
- Environment and climate: DG ENV (parent DG) | Climate Action (parent DG) | EEA (parent agency) | EASME (parent agency) | LIFE (parent program)
- Social development, employment, youth, training: DG EMPL (parent DG) | YouthOnMove (parent service) | ETF (parent agency) | EUROFUND (parent agency) | EURES (specific network) | INDIRE (national agency) | Erasmus+ (parent program)
- Health and Consumer: ECDC (Reference Agency) | EFSA (Reference Agency)
- Security, Rights and Asylum: DG HOME (Reference DG) | FRA (Reference Agency) | Europol (Reference Agency) | ENISA (Reference Agency) | CEPOL (Reference Agency) | EASO (Reference Service) | RAN (Reference Network)
There are certainly many other online training opportunities related to European design.
Would you like to suggest interesting materials to our user community? Do your part and report them to us on Facebook!