We are working on words: our Glossary grows and all our content becomes usable in English.

Perhaps not everyone knows that we have a Glossary

Europlanning is an area rich in concepts and words with precise and particular meanings. Perhaps not everyone knows that our Guide offers a rich glossary of specific and particular words crucial to understanding the world of European projects.

In fact, the Glossary of Europlanning is an item that is present, but not very in-depth on other sources. We therefore decided to create our own, rich and comprehensive one. The Glossary is also a new way of reading the Guide, allowing you to cross-read the different contents of our platform, browsing it-so to speak-from the point of view of concepts.

We have recently updated and further enriched our Glossary, which now features about 250 words! Happy reading and good reference.

Our Guide, in many languages

The surprises do not end there: our most attentive readers will have noticed that our Guide has recently become usable in English.

It is a way for us to be ever closer to Europe and to all our friends, partners and interlocutors scattered throughout our continent and beyond: civil society organizations, associations, education, training and research bodies, institutions, local authorities, foundations and philanthropic bodies, groups and organizations of all kinds.

We greet them and welcome them to our Guide, hoping that this renewed closeness will result in new stimuli for partnerships and projects with entities and organizations in our area.

Please note: English texts are currently being revised because they are made through machine translation tools. Please feel free to write to us to report problems and suggestions.

The Guide will also soon be available in French and German, languages widely used internationally and in some Italian regions.

A Guide closer and closer to the people

The Guide is getting closer to its audience, even physically. We are carrying out a series of presentation events as part of various interesting events organized by our partners:

The events do not end here, and we would like to organize more. We will keep you updated and remain open to new proposals.