A lengthy in-depth discussion on monitoring in European projects: what it is for and how to develop a good framework

Monitoring in European projects: new chapter

We publish today a new in-depth study Relating to “how” to work on European projects. It is organized into the following sections:

Example of Theory of Change

Example of Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

This new chapter takes up the following themes and tries to answer the following questions:

  1. Define terms. What are monitoring and evaluation and why are they important in European projects? What differentiates monitoring from evaluation?
  2. Understanding the process. What needs to be done to set up a monitoring and evaluation activity? What are the phases of the activity? To what extent is this within the reach of one’s organizational resources and capabilities?
  3. Set the intervention logic. What does the Logical Framework have to do with monitoring and evaluation? What is Theory of Change and how to use it in the context of European projects?
  4. Choose indicators. What are the criteria for defining indicators that allow for adequate monitoring of the activity and are, at the same time, appropriate to one’s organizational resources and capabilities?
  5. The monitoring and evaluation framework. What is a monitoring and evaluation framework and what is it for? What elements does it consist of and how to identify them? (with related examples)

If these questions interest you, read the new chapter now:

3.6. Managing the project: monitoring and evaluation

New insights on project management methods and tools and the concept of impact will follow.

See you soon and keep following us.