Our Guide has always been dedicated to providing information, tools and updates on the European Union and EU funds. Our readers can now browse through hundreds of pages of content and insights. We all find out every day what Europe is doing for its citizens and inform ourselves to propose valuable and successful projects to Europe.

But perhaps not everyone knows that, there is also the other side of the coin.

We can “have our say” at the European Commission through a special portal (called precisely, “Have Your Say”) where, day after day, topics of debate are proposed on which citizens and organizations from all countries of Europe can express their opinions and suggestions.

The topics cover the development of community policies and legislation in all possible areas: you can give your input by answering a questionnaire or commenting on the different proposals. The portal allows users to search for issues that are open for consultation, issues that have already been closed, and defines their timelines, status in the legislative process, ideal target audiences and main objectives.

It is also possible to view the comments received on a given topic to get an idea of the state of the debate on subjects of interest.

A short video explains how it works: what are you waiting for?