A review of “quick access” tools for information on Community Programs and Structural Funds 2021-2027.
Guide to EU Projects and Funding tools and official sources
Since the beginning of the new programming period, the Guide to EU Projects and Funding has gradually implemented new tools to provide information and visibility on EU projects and funding 2021-2027 (direct management and Structural Funds).
Having now consolidated the set of tools and information, we provide a brief review to accompany their reading and use.
What the Guide to EU Projects and Funding provides in these prospectuses reflects similar information gathered from official platforms, for which the Guide is a quick and unified access point.
Have a good consultation!
Directly managed community programs
What can be found on the Guide?
- The Overview of European programs 2021-2027 (Chapter 1.6. of the Guide). This is the global page that brings together key information on all European funds and programs, broken down by community budget macro-item. For each fund and program, a definition of the relevant topic and a series of links are provided:
- political-strategic insights,
- documents that marked its legislative process,
- text of the referenced regulation,
- Information about what the program is accomplishing,
- page with the main information about the program,
- page dedicated to calls for proposals,
- list of funded projects,
- reference website,
- Reference documents (work programs, guides and forms),
- news and events related to the program.
A link is then provided to a dedicated tab on the Guide website (see below under point 2).
I Structural Funds are presented in this prospectus at points 2. Cohesion, resilience and values (ERDF / ESF+) e 3. Natural resources and environment (EAFRD/EAGF). For Structural Funds, links are provided to dedicated prospectuses on the Guide website, broken down by theme or region (v. next paragraph).
- Specific descriptive sheets of individual directly managed community programs. (Chapter 4.0. of the Guide).
These pages capture the basic links in the above prospectus, along with framing information about each program:
- references of the relevant authorities,
- Eligible subjects and potential beneficiaries,
- Objectives, components and methods of program execution,
- Types of action funded and specific areas of intervention,
- Main changes from previous programming periods.
Where can it be found? (official sources)
The main sources used in these prospectuses are various sections of the Funding&Tenders platform, of the Eur-Lex platform, of the “program performance statements” of the European Commission website, of the “Legislative Train Schedule” of the European Parliament, and the specific sites of the various programs and their managing authorities.
Structural Funds, Rural Funds and Territorial Cooperation.
What can be found on the Guide?
- Overview of Regionally Managed Structural Funds (RPs). (Chapter 5.1. of the Guide)
- Overview of nationally managed structural funds (NPs). (Chapter 5.2. of the Guide)
- Overview of territorial cooperation programs (PCT) (Chapter 6.0. of the Guide)
These three pages summarize the various ERDF and ESF+-funded programs in the various regions (PR), at the national level (PN, thematically based) and under the European Territorial Cooperation (ETCP).
Each sheet briefly indicates, for each program, the Managing Authority of the funds, the amount of funding available on each of the strategic priorities of the Structural Funds, and the following links:
- Insights into local organisations and program topics
- Program website
- Program text and reference documents
- Status of program progress (Italian data – OpenCoesione)
- Status of program progress (European data – CohesionData)
- Links to the calls for proposals
- Links to advance notices (forecast of outgoing notices)
For each of these types of funds, a very specific level of detail is provided for each Region, Theme and Program in a dedicated sub-section of each of the respective chapters 5.1., 5.2. e 6.0.)
For the Rural Funds (EAFRD and EAGF) , whose operation is more uniform (regional programming is based on a single National Strategic Plan), a simple list of thematic and regional allocations is provided instead, with details for each region given directly in the dedicated sections of Chapter 5.3.
Where can it be found? (official sources)
The main source used in these prospectuses is the OpenCoesione platform of the Italian government, followed by the CohesionData platform platform of the European Commission, the Rural Network platform and from the specific sites of individual programs and individual Managing Authorities (Regions, Ministries and Public Agencies). We also report the Kohesio platform of the European Commission for further insights into projects and beneficiaries funded by the Structural Funds.