From time to time our Guide features interesting experiences, implemented by organizations in our area as part of European projects. For those who missed the previous installments, in anticipation of a LIFE project focus, six short interviews let us get to know:

With the same interviews, the proposing parties offered us some interesting tips onEuropean design activity, especially dedicated to our readers.

The LIFE project has ideally continued this successful series with a similar “format” called “ Inside a good LIFE proposal “. Three short interviews offer some advice to current or potential Europrojectors through the experience of three projects:

The pattern of questions is very familiar:

1) Tell us about your project!2) How did you find out about the LIFE project and decide to participate?3) How long did it take you to develop the whole proposal?4) How did you find the project partners?5) What are your three pieces of advice to future participants?

Our Guide and LIFE both provide us with an excellent opportunity to learn about successful projects and gather valuable suggestions for our business!

Do you also have a successful project to tell us about? Write to us and tell us about your experience!