Some of the feedback received in the questionnaire we offered before the summer picked up on a classic but always interesting and topical theme: what is the best way to “figure out what I can do” with European funds and to best structure my project idea?

Our guide is designed to answer this question in the simplest and most immediate way: with summary pages devoted to the european programs, to their budget and the issues they address; with specific sections dedicated to those who want to structure a good project idea; with thematic posts of update and useful practical advice in this regard.

To meet the demand of our community we suggest two additional simple and effective “pills.”

A short video summarizing the main features of European funds, eligible projects and categories of eligible beneficiaries (also available in Italian here ): a useful way to summarize in just over two minutes the major themes of our guide !

A page dedicated to successful examples of European funded projects in various sectors and countries: an archive of almost two thousand projects divided by country, date, topic and amount, with all the information, contacts and useful hints for those who want to launch into a new project and are looking for inspiration!

Happy reading!