Are you approaching European design? Welcome!

The guide to europlanning was born precisely with the intent to help you untangle this complex but fantastic world; and to provide you with an additional useful tool, we have chosen to inaugurate the column “ A question and an answer ” on the blog.

In this space we will provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions that come from people and organizations approaching europrojecting.

Have a question? Write it on our Facebook page : the most relevant ones will be the subject of the next installments of the column!

To approach European funds, do I need to be up-to-date on everything going on in Brussels, build an international partnership, and prepare for a lengthy selection process?

If you already do or can do all this, you are on a roll! To access projects managed by the European Commission, you actually need to have a “European vision,” which is in turn a great starting point for preparing any kind of project. But beware! First of all, this condition applies only to a particular type of project, outlined in this section Of the Guide. Also you might be surprised at how accessible much of the information and procedures for accessing these types of programs have become. Websites, implementing agencies and national points of contact provide support and clear directions for participants.

Even among the so-called “community programs,” there are calls and initiatives that are by their very nature aimed at small organizations, whose submission methods are tailored to the operational capabilities of the beneficiaries.

Second, a very large slice of “European funds” is managed very close to you! A large portion of Structural Funds is used by individual regions, which plan their priorities, launch calls, award project proposals and evaluate their implementation.

You can write a project in Italian for a call specifically designed for subjects in your region, interact with partners and managing authorities close to you, and… benefit from European funding with it!

These are indirectly managed programs analyzed in detail in these sections of our Guide: POR PON .

Your region may also be responsible for managing one of the territorial cooperation programs , another of the forms of European funding closest to you.