TheCoronavirus emergency of the last few weeks, which has now spread throughout Europe, has triggered reactions and solidarity from all actors: institutions, civil society, and private citizens.

European philanthropy, represented by theEFC ( European Foundation Centre) , has mobilized significant resources and initiatives to address the health crisis situation, which threatens not only our health but also our way of life and work.

The response has been very rapid and varied, both on the internal front (how to manage theCoronavirus emergency in our daily and working lives) and on the external front (partnerships, actions and strategies to improve the effectiveness of treatment and bring support to the most at-risk populations).

The EFC is publishing the set of these responses on a special page: both to bear witness to them and, more importantly, to provide a starting point and inspiration for those who are looking for ways to give back during these difficult times. Methodologies are replicable, partnerships can be expanded, and every effort is more effective when done together.

In our own way, by publicizing these ideas and presenting them to our readers, we hope to lend a hand to those who are devoting effort and resources to mitigating the effects of the crisis.

We highlight the particular interesting initiative of the CRT Foundation, an international call for action on big data and artificial intelligence, one of the most innovative and promising fields. As Massimo Lapucci, Secretary General of Fondazione CRT and President of EFC, explains, “Making data availability global is crucial. Because if the epidemics of the past well or poorly were always localized, this one is truly global and progressing with impressive rapidity“. Building a collaborative data ecosystem is also one of the European Commission’s strategic goals and is critical to countering the current pandemic and future environmental and social challenges.

These, among others, are some of the main initiatives: but the list is constantly being updated on theappropriate page of the EFC website.

Foundations promoting the Europlanning Guide are leading the way!