Let’s find out about Horizon Europe, Europe’s largest program, with guidance and official materials from the APRE Agency
The role of APRE
For more than 30 years, the Agency for the Promotion of European Research(APRE) has supported and facilitated Italian participation in European Union research and innovation (R&I) funding programs through information, training and assistance services. It has branches in many Italian regions and is part of a very large network of national contact points dedicated to Horizon Europe and spread around the world.
APRE offers a wide range of services: among others, an attractive news page, events, a quarterly magazine, a bookstore, an infobandi service, support services and training-all specifically dedicated to research, innovation and Horizon Europe.
We have already spoken several times about the Horizon Europe program: the largest of the European programs in this seven-year period and one of the most versatile as fields of application. We have proposed pages dedicated to in-depth webinars and European Info Days. APRE has launched a real “week” dedicated to Horizon Europe and proposes, with this occasion, new materials to learn about and deepen the opportunities offered by the program. Let’s discover them together.
APRE’s pdf guide on Horizon Europe
First, APRE offers a downloadable guide with a comprehensive title and content: Horizon Europe, what it is, what it funds, how to participate. It is proposed as “the first guide in Italian to the European Union Framework Program for Research and Innovation 2021-27. An indispensable tool for experienced users and newcomers alike.” It is organized simply and effectively:
- A first section describes the basic features, objectives, structure and core documents of Horizon Europe;
- A second section briefly describes the political, strategic and operational context in which Horizon Europe operates;
- A third section, however, is devoted to the “big themes” of Horizon Europe: Excellent Science (ERC, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions, Research Infrastructure), Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness. (divided into the various cluster: 1- Health, 2- Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society, 3- Civil Security for Society, 4- Digital, Industry and Space, 5- Climate, Energy and Mobility, 6- Food Products, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment, Joint Research Centre), Innovative Europe (EIC, European Innovation Ecosystems, EIT), Broadening Participation and Consolidating the European Research Area-and concludes with a review of some key cross-cutting themes (missions, partnerships, international cooperation, other cross-cutting themes e synergies with other programs). For each theme, the structure is informative and easy to read: Background, Objectives, Budget, Comparison with Horizon2020, What is being funded, Missions, Partnerships and Highlights, Information Sources, and Contacts;
- A fourth section is devoted to the “rules of the game”: who can participate, consortia, funding, eligible costs and payments, types of projects, various cross-cutting and operational aspects, and aspects related to proposal submission, evaluation and implementation;
- A fifth section briefly presents the other directly operated programs, following a similar structure as in Chapter Three.
Info Days in Italy: videos and materials
Equally interesting are the contents of the Italian Horizon Europe Info Days, organized by APRE immediately after the European ones in early July. Let’s resume all the available content in order: you can view the detailed agenda of each day by clicking on the date and all the videos from this playlist.
July 12 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions(materials | video) ERC(materials | video) Research Infrastructures(materials | video) July 13 1- Health ( materials | video) 2- Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society ( materials |
video) 3- Civil Security for Society ( materials | video) The strategic plan ( materials | video) Rules of participation and evaluation procedure ( materials | video) July 14, 4- Digital, Industry and Space (
materials | videos) Broadening participation and consolidating the European research space ( materials | videos) The proposal template ( materials | videos) The path of impact (
materials | videos) Dissemination and exploitation of results ( materials | videos) Integration of humanities and social sciences ( materials | videos) Gender (
materials | video) July 15 5- Climate, Energy and Mobility ( materials | video) Euratom (
materials | videos) European partnerships ( materials | videos) The missions ( materials | videos) Open science (
materials | videos) Ethics and safety ( materials | video) July 16, 6- Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment (
materials | videos) The Funding & Tenders portal ( materials | videos) The APRE services for Horizon Europe ( materials | videos)
All set for Horizon
The contents of APRE’s Info Days and guidebook, captured on this page, really do provide all the useful information for participation in the Horizon Europe program. All that remains is to discover them and get to work!