There is movement on the major programs in the 2021-2027 period: a webinar explains how to prepare a successful proposal under the Horizon Europe program.

[Aggiornamento articolo 31 maggio 2021]

New updates regarding Horizon Europe:

The set of these documents (with all updates to be published later) can be accessed from the Funding and tenders portal. Other useful sources regarding Horizon Europe are the source documents, reference site, presentation, discussion stages and results page, as well as the “magazine” and “TV channel” specifically dedicated to the program.

New in-depth seminars on Horizon Europe

In previous posts on this page we have presented two interesting insights into the Horizon Europe program. The series continues with a third event: all content can be accessed online at the respective links.

TOP-IX Consortium organizes online seminar

“European Programming 2021-2027: Horizon Europe Programme”

To be held on Monday, June 14, 2021 from 3 to 4:30 p.m.

The Keynote Speaker will be Alessandro Barbagli, Head of Sector Research Strategy & Programme Coordination, DG Communications Networks, Content and Technology, European Commission.

The seminar will be moderated by Leonardo Camiciotti, Executive Director of the TOP-IX Consortium.

During the event, Dr. Barbagli will explain the goals of the program and conduct an overview of the 3 pillars. In particular, there will be a vertical focus on Cluster 4 ‘Digital, industry and space’ and the European Innovation Council will be discussed.

The seminar is open to all people interested in learning more about Horizon Europe and submitting project proposals under the Framework Program for Research and Innovation.

This is the event link, this is the registration link.

Participate in large numbers.

[Aggiornamento articolo 19 aprile 2021]

As a reminder, the materials and videos from the March 24 webinar discussed in this update (titled: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe) are now available online.

A second meeting has also already been scheduled, which is a continuation of the March 24 webinar. Presenting the same title: How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe and addresses some specific issues. It will be held on Wednesday, April 21, also online and also at 10 a.m. Here is the link to register.

We recommend that you follow the video of the previous talk and attend the next one.

By way of anticipation, we recall below the main thematic points of the respective agendas.

Webinar March 24:

Webinar April 21:

Article 22 March 2021

Horizon Europe: what’s boiling in the pot

As we already know, the approval of the regulatory basis for major community programs is expected soon, followed by the publication of the respective strategic plans, work programs and calls for proposals. But much has already been done “behind the scenes,” and only the whistle is awaited.

For example, we already know a lot about Horizon Europe (or also “Horizon Europe,” in Italian), the largest of the European programs, the “spearhead” of the European Union’s research and innovation strategy.

In addition to all documents related to the proposed regulation from the European Commission and its subsequent developments, we can count on an up-to-date reference site and a detailed presentation that captures almost all the details. We have all the information on theprocess of the regulation(as we already know) and theevolution of the related debate.

Horizon Europe and the European Innovation Council: an early launch

All this applies on major EU programs, but on Horizon Europe we already have much more.

The EU Council presidency (now in Portugal’s six-month term) and the European Commission officially launched the Horizon Europe program back in February, jointly presenting the work program of the European Innovation Council, one of the most significant innovations introduced by the new Horizon Europe program. This is an early launch, pending official approval of key program documents.

Here are all the details and videos of the Horizon Europe program launch.

Reference site and video of the European Innovation Council launch here.

Horizon Europe even has a flagship “magazine” to keep abreast of research and innovation progress in Europe.

Horizon Europe: the webinar

Just these days we have a great news: a webinar organized by the services of the European Commission (DG Research and Innovation) with a very evocative title:

How to prepare a successful proposal in Horizon Europe

It will be held entirely online on Wednesday, March 24, from 10 a.m. to 4:15 p.m.

Here is the link to register and here the agenda of the meeting .

It will provide insights into the proposal submission and evaluation process, rules applicable to the program, and a Q&A slot.

This is an excellent opportunity for in-depth study: please attend in large numbers.

One more step toward new calls for proposals

With this material and this webinar dedicated to the greatest of funded programs by the European Union, the EU institutions give an important signal on the approach of the calls of the new programming period, at a time when the official texts are being revised (legal and linguistic aspects) with a view to their forthcoming final approval by the Council and the European Parliament.

This material is now, but will also be in the future, an important basis for successful participation in Horizon Europe calls for proposals.

Keep following us for future updates.