We recently analyzed the dimension of project evaluation-an indispensable step to see our proposals funded and implemented. But what about, more generally, the very concept of evaluation ?

Evaluating a project proposal is one application of a broader activity that is carried out at the level of projects, programs and policies, through technical specifications and at different stages of their implementation. In fact, as already specified, the evaluation of a project proposal is closely linked to the consideration of its broader impact at the level of European programs and policies.

Knowing the assumptions and tools proper to evaluation activities provides useful insights to improve the quality of our proposals and the operational implementation of our projects. In addition, activities typical of the evaluation process (interviews, data collection and analysis, etc.) are a typical component of many European projects.

So let us launch into the discovery of some interesting documents in the field of project evaluation through this brief review.

Do you know of others, perhaps better than these? Report them to us through our Facebook page!

Happy reading!