We continue our review of useful publications with a document of a very comprehensive nature, covering (as a whole) indirectly managed funding (or Structural Funds).

La Directorate General of the European Commission in charge of regional policy has produced a unitary document, also available in Italian, which collects all the official texts and comments related to the Structural Funds (for Italy, ERDF, ESF, EAFRD and EMFF) and the Territorial Cooperation Programs. .

The document (comprising more than 400 pages) takes up in great detail all aspects of these programs, as well as the official regulations on which their operation is based.

The document does not go into detail about each country, area, region, and program (something for which it is necessary to refer to the individual POR, PON e Territorial Cooperation Programs analyzed in the our guide), but it is an excellent reference manual for those who regularly work with Structural Funds or are interested in learning more about them.