Managing Authority: Slovak Ministry of Finance
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- Advancement (OpenCoesione)
- Advancement (CohesionData)
The INTERACT program is a reference point for the exchange of information and best practices among actors and institutions involved in the implementation and coordination of territorial cooperation programs. The program facilitates the work carried out under the other territorial cooperation programs by providing support and advice in various thematic and cross-cutting areas of interest.
Interregional cooperation, also known as Interreg C, operates on a pan-European level, covering all EU member states and other partner states. Creates networks to develop best practices and facilitate the exchange and transfer of experience in regional and cohesion policy.
Eligible Italian territories:
Entire territory.
Distribution of resources by strategic and specific objective
* PCT Resources |
% |
Strategic Goals, Specific Objectives and Areas of Focus |
TOT. |
56.250.000 € |
100% |
* Total resources (EU contribution + national contribution). The allocation by specific objective and intervention area is indicative (it proportionally takes up the allocation given by the PCT on the EU contribution). Small discrepancies are possible due to rounding.
6. |
56.250.000 € |
100% |
Interreg |
6.i.a. |
51.458.334 € |
91% |
Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities, particularly those in charge of managing a specific territory, and stakeholders |
173 |
51.458.334 € |
91% |
Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement territorial cooperation projects and initiatives in cross-border, transnational, maritime, and interregional contexts |
AT |
4.791.666 € |
9% |
Technical Assistance |
AT |
4.791.666 € |
9% |
Technical assistance – Total |