IPA Italy Albania Montenegro (Southern Adriatic)
Managing Authority: Apulia Region
Strengthening cross-border cooperation in the maritime border area between Italy, Albania and Montenegro.
Because it involves two countries in pre-accession to the EU, the program is co-financed by IPA funds.
Cross-border cooperation, also known as Interreg A, promotes cooperation between neighboring regions of two or more states (or regions adjacent to them).
Eligible Italian territories:
Isernia, Campobasso, Taranto, Brindisi, Lecce, Foggia, Bari, Barletta-Andria-Trani.
Distribution of resources by strategic and specific objective
* PCT Resources |
% |
Strategic Goals, Specific Objectives and Areas of Focus |
TOT. |
81.258.770 € |
100% |
* Total resources (EU contribution + national contribution). The allocation by specific objective and intervention area is indicative (it proportionally takes up the allocation given by the PCT on the EU contribution). Small discrepancies are possible due to rounding.
1. |
17.966.313 € |
22% |
A more competitive and smarter Europe |
1.iii. |
16.198.988 € |
20% |
Strengthening sustainable growth and competitiveness of SMEs and job creation in SMEs, including through productive investment |
027 |
16.198.988 € |
20% |
Innovation processes in SMEs (processes, organization, marketing, co-creation, user- and demand-driven innovation) |
AT |
1.767.325 € |
2% |
Technical Assistance |
2. |
25.117.086 € |
31% |
A resilient, greener, low-carbon Europe. |
2.i. |
4.784.233 € |
6% |
Promoting energy efficiency and reducing greenhouse gas emissions |
044 |
4.784.233 € |
6% |
Renewal of public infrastructure for the purpose of energy efficiency or energy efficiency-related measures for such infrastructure, demonstration projects and support measures |
2.iv. |
8.931.057 € |
11% |
Promote climate change adaptation, disaster risk prevention, and resilience by considering ecosystem approaches |
061 |
8.931.057 € |
11% |
Prevention and management of non-climate-related natural hazards (e.g., earthquakes) and human-related hazards (e.g., technological accidents), including outreach, civil defense and disaster management systems, infrastructure, and ecosystem-based approaches |
2.vii. |
8.931.057 € |
11% |
Strengthen the protection and preservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure, including in urban areas, and reduce all forms of pollution |
079 |
8.931.057 € |
11% |
Protection of nature and biodiversity, natural heritage and resources, green and blue infrastructure |
AT |
2.470.738 € |
3% |
Technical Assistance |
3. |
13.732.732 € |
17% |
A more connected Europe |
3.ii. |
12.381.859 € |
15% |
Develop and strengthen smart, intermodal, climate-resilient, and sustainable local, regional, and national mobility, including improving access to the TEN-T network and cross-border mobility |
108 |
12.381.859 € |
15% |
Multimodal Transportation (TEN-T) |
AT |
1.350.873 € |
2% |
Technical Assistance |
4. |
16.316.761 € |
20% |
A more social and inclusive Europe |
4.ii. |
7.271.636 € |
9% |
Improve equal access to quality and inclusive education, training, and lifelong learning services through the development of accessible infrastructure, including by promoting the resilience of online and distance education and training |
151 |
7.271.636 € |
9% |
Support for adult education (excluding infrastructure) |
4.vi. |
7.440.064 € |
9% |
Strengthen the role of culture and sustainable tourism in economic development, social inclusion and social innovation |
166 |
7.440.064 € |
9% |
Protection, development and promotion of cultural heritage and cultural services |
AT |
1.605.061 € |
2% |
Technical Assistance |
6. |
8.125.878 € |
10% |
Interreg |
6.i.a. |
7.326.544 € |
9% |
Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities, particularly those in charge of managing a specific territory, and stakeholders |
173 |
7.326.544 € |
9% |
Strengthening the institutional capacity of public authorities and stakeholders to implement territorial cooperation projects and initiatives in cross-border, transnational, maritime, and interregional contexts |
AT |
799.333 € |
1% |
Technical Assistance |
AT |
7.993.330 € |
10% |
Technical assistance – Total |