Overview of European programs 2021-2027
- ANALYSIS: The debate that led to the launch of a fund or program, with political-strategic analysis and insights.
- ITER: The steps in the legislative process that led to the formal adoption of a fund or program.
- STATUS: Information on what a fund or program is achieving, its impact, and evaluation of previous phases
- TEXT: The text of the regulation that forms the legal basis of the fund or program and defines its characteristics.
- INFO: The summary sheet that provides key information and links related to the fund or program.
- CALLS: The direct link to access the calls funded by the program.
- RESULTS: The list of projects already funded under the fund or program.
- SITE: The main website of the fund or program.
- DOCS: The main reference documents: legislative basis, work programs, guides and forms.
- NEWS: The direct link to major news about the fund or program.
- EVENTS: The direct link to learn about major events related to the fund or program.
The totals of the 6 macro sections of the 2021-2027 budget also include expenditure items not included in the table. Data are expressed in current prices (Nov. 2020). “Programs” normally involve direct management, “funds” indirect (i.e., shared) management. Data and text are taken from the official budget and indicator guides for EU 2021-2027 programming and from information and documents indicated in the individual links.
Single market, innovation and digital
166.12 billion (including 11.49 from NGEU)
To intensify investment in research and innovation, digital transformation, strategic infrastructure, and the single market; to address shared challenges, including decarbonization, demographic change, and business competitiveness
Horizon Europe
95.51 billion (including 5.41 from NGEU)EU flagship program for all areas related to research and innovation
Analysis | Iter | Text | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies / National Contact Points: RTD | REA | ERC | EISMEA | HADEA | CINEA | OPEN | NCP
Mechanism to connect Europe
20,73 billion (12.83 transport, 5.84 energy, 2.06 digital)Investment in cross-border infrastructure on transport, energy and digital
Analysis | Iter | Text | Status | Info | Announcements | Results | Site | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies: MOVE | ENER | CNET | CINEA | HADEA
Cohesion, resilience and values
1210,03 billion (including 776.50 from NGEU, including 385.85 in loans)
To strengthen resilience and cohesion among EU member states, reduce disparities among EU states, regions, and territories, and promote sustainable territorial development; to invest in green and digital transition, youth, health, and EU values; and to promote key investments and reforms in member states.
226,05 billion (including about 9 for territorial cooperation)Gap reduction, structural adjustment and cooperation between regions of Europe
Analysis | Iter 1–2 | Text 1–2 | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies:REGIO
Go to the prospectus of Regional Programs
99,26 billionHuman capital, employment, skills, retraining and social inclusion
Analysis | Iter 1–2 | Text 1–2 | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies:EMPL | National and regional authorities | NCP EaSI
Recovery and resilience device
723,82 billion (from NGEU, including 337.97 in grants and 385.85 in loans)The device par excellence for post-Coronavirus economic and social revitalization
Analysis | Iter | Text | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies:RECOVER | Italian Government | Presidency of the Council
26,51 billionEducation and training, internships, youth exchanges, socioeducational and sports activities
Analysis | Iter | Text | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies / National Contact Points::EAC | EMPL | EACEA | Erasmusplus | ANG | INDIRE | INAPP
Creative Europe
2,53 billion eurosProgram for European culture, artistic expression, audiovisual and media
Analysis | Iter | Text | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies / National Contact Points:EAC | EACEA | CNET | Culture Office | Media Offices
Citizenship, equality, rights and values
1,86 billionActive civic participation, European values, advocacy for rights and equal opportunities
Analysis | Iter | Text | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies / National Contact Points:EAC | JUST | EACEA | CERVitalia
Natural resources and environment
419.94 billion (including 18.94 from NGEU)
To promote sustainability and sustainable use of agriculture and maritime resources, food security, rural development and competitiveness of European agriculture and fisheries; to combat climate change and protect the environment
95,51 billion (of which 8.07 from NGEU)Actions for the stability, competitiveness and sustainability of the agricultural and rural sector
Analysis 1 – 2 – 3 | Iter 1 – 2 – 3 | Text 1 – 2 – 3 | Status | Info | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
DG / Responsible Agencies:AGRI | National and regional authorities
Migration and border management
26.84 billion
To address the challenges related to migration, management of the EU’s external borders, and the asylum system within the EU
Security and defense
14.92 billion
To improve the security of European citizens, strengthen Europe’s defense capabilities and strategic autonomy, and provide the defense tools needed to respond to internal and external security challenges to which no member state can respond alone
Decommissioning, nuclear safety and decommissioning
1.18 billion (0.55 for decommissioning and 0.63 for safety and decommissioning)Specific fund for securing nuclear facilities at risk
Analysis 1–2 | Iter 1–2 | Text 1–2 | Status 1–2 | Info 1–2 | Notices | Results | Website | Docs | News | Events
Neighborhood and the rest of the world
111.73 billion
To strengthen the socioeconomic impact of the EU in its neighborhood, in developing countries, in countries preparing for EU membership, and in the rest of the world; to maintain and strengthen the EU’s role as a global player