Instrument for customs control equipment
1,01 billion
Support for purchase, maintenance and improvement of customs equipment
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DG / Responsible Agencies:TAXUD | HOME | OLAF
Potential beneficiaries
Customs authorities of EU member states.
Description and objectives
The integrity, security, and safety of borderless space within the EU and its customs union require effective management and protection of the EU’s external borders, especially in times of challenges posed by migration pressures and to deal with serious cross-border crimes. This mission is entrusted to the Integrated Border Management Fund (or IBMF, from its English acronym), which consists of two instruments: the Border Management and Visa Instrument (or BMVI) and the Customs Control Equipment Instrument.
The Customs Control Equipment Instrument is newly established and will aim to protect EU citizens and businesses from illegal trade while facilitating legitimate business activities through improved and harmonized application of customs controls by member states at their external borders. More specifically, the Facility aims to contribute to adequate and equivalent customs controls through the purchase, maintenance and upgrading of relevant, state-of-the-art and reliable customs control equipment, thereby supporting customs authorities acting together to protect the interests of the Union.
Types of actions and projects
Supports member states to purchase, maintain, or upgrade relevant, modern, reliable, and sustainable customs inspection equipment for border crossings and customs laboratories, such as: non-intrusive inspection, identification of concealed objects on humans, radiation detection, nuclide identification, sample analysis in laboratories, field sampling and analysis of samples, handheld search; and other types of innovative equipment for non-intrusive detection technology.
Equipment purchased through the program will help member states address new challenges and improve the overall performance of the customs union.
The Customs Control Equipment Facility is a newly established instrument under the Integrated Border Management Fund (previously included in the Internal Security Fund).