0,27 billion
Specific program of collaboration in the area of taxation
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DG / Responsible Agencies:TAXUD
Potential beneficiaries
Tax authorities of EU member states.
Description and objectives
Fiscalis aims to support national tax authorities in order to improve the functioning of the internal market, promote competitiveness and fair competition in the Union, and protect the financial and economic interests of the Union and its member states from tax fraud, evasion and avoidance.
It provides a common framework for member states to develop cooperative activities among national tax officials and to strengthen the human and IT tools at their disposal in the tax field.
Types of actions and projects
Fiscalis’ actions primarily target the tax authorities of member states. Provides support through:
- The promotion of the competencies of national tax authorities and their mutual cooperation (structured meetings and collaborations, project groups, expert teams, capacity building actions, training, e-learning actions, and exchange of best practices);
- Actions to strengthen IT capacity, particularly through the development and maintenance of European electronic systems in the field of taxation;
- Studies, innovation activities and communication actions.
Fiscalis is a continuation of its predecessor of the same name in the previous program period, but will include a greater emphasis on cooperation and the use of electronic systems.