European Solidarity Corps
1.01 billion
Support for youth involvement in outreach activities in Europe and abroad
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DG / Responsible Agencies: EAC | EACEA | ANG
Potential beneficiaries
Individuals aged 18-30 (for all actions) and 18-35 (for actions involving humanitarian aid); organizations in the EU and partner countries (for proposing and hosting solidarity initiatives).
Description and objectives
The European Solidarity Corps is the EU’s program for young people who wish to engage in solidarity activities in a variety of areas. The aim of these activities is to support disadvantaged people, communities in need of humanitarian aid, and to contribute to health and environmental actions, inside and outside the EU.
The program is an expression: 1) Of solidarity as a fundamental pillar of the European integration project; 2) Of many young people’s desire for commitment; 3) Of the demand from many organizations active on outreach projects, looking for motivated young people; 4) of the needs of many communities in Europe and around the world.
The European Solidarity Corps:
- Strengthens the European and cross-border dimension of solidarity by integrating existing national and regional public and private policies, programs and activities;
- It helps identify shared challenges, stimulates transnational cooperation and mobility, encourages synergies, sharing of good practices and mutual learning, and supports a European approach to social innovation;
- It brings together youth and organizations to build a more inclusive society, supporting vulnerable people and responding to social and humanitarian challenges;
- It offers an inspiring and challenging experience for young people who want to help, learn and develop projects in all areas related to solidarity, providing a single entry point for such activities throughout the EU and beyond.
It is, in this sense, a program specifically designed to accompany the engagement of young people and the Third Sector throughout Europe-and beyond.
Types of actions and projects
The European Solidarity Corps promotes the action of young people or groups of young people (aged between 18 and 35) within organizations engaged in solidarity actions and in possession of a “quality label,” which certifies alignment with the program’s principles, objectives and quality standards.
The program distinguishes between volunteer projects, which take up this basic operational structure, and outreach projects, aimed at fostering new spontaneous activities by groups of young people (with possible support from existing organizations or coaches). The program may also support (to a lesser extent) work or internship activities in similar ways.
The activity can be carried out in the country of residence or in another country, and reimbursed expenses may include travel, organizational and management costs, language learning, preparatory visit, support for disadvantaged groups, contingencies, and a small daily lump sum.
The program is therefore open to both host organizations (for obtaining a “quality label,” hosting and supporting participants) and young participants on a project.
The European Solidarity Corps also includes specific action lines for networking activities, quality and support measures for beneficiaries and program implementation.
The European Solidarity Corps builds on the achievements of the previous program, in its early years, and on the European Volunteer and Humanitarian Aid Volunteer initiatives.
It consolidates its efforts to have a single point of entry for young people who wish to engage in outreach by extending the scope to volunteer activities in support of humanitarian aid operations around the world.
For the new programming period, the European Solidarity Corps aims to double its beneficiaries, both through increased funding and a greater focus on inclusion, diversity, participation of those with fewer opportunities, the environment, sustainability, digital transition, and strengthening online learning opportunities for participants.