0,95 billion
Specific program of collaboration in customs
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DG / Responsible Agencies:TAXUD
Potential beneficiaries
Customs authorities of EU member states.
Description and objectives
Customs is the flagship program on customs cooperation. It helps support customs administrations in their role as guardians of the common borders of the European Union from the perspective of transit of goods.
The program thus supports the functioning of the European Customs Union to protect the EU and its member states from health, environmental and other threats, unfair and illegal trade, safeguarding their financial interests while facilitating legitimate business activities. It fosters the intensive operational cooperation between member states’ customs administrations (and between them and those of third countries) that is necessary for the proper functioning of the EU’s common customs belt and the safeguarding of common interests.
More specifically, Customs provides opportunities for exchange and collaboration for customs authorities and officials, supports the development and maintenance of interoperable and interconnected EU customs information systems, and the correct and efficient application of the Union Customs Code. Supports the preparation and uniform implementation of customs legislation and policy, customs cooperation, administrative and IT capacity building, including human skills and training, and the development and operation of European electronic systems and innovation in the field of customs policy.
Types of actions and projects
Customs’ actions primarily target member state customs authorities. Provides support through:
- Seminars and workshops, expert networks and thematic communities, operational collaboration teams and project groups;
- Strengthening IT capabilities, particularly in the operation and development of EU electronic customs systems;
- Capacity building and human resource actions (training, exchanges of best practices, etc.);
- Studies, innovation activities and communication actions.
Customs is a continuation of its predecessor of the same name in the previous program period, but will include a greater emphasis on cooperation, innovation and the use of electronic systems.