Border and visa management tool
6,39 billion
Integrated border and visa management to ensure security and free movement
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DG / Responsible Agencies:TAXUD | HOME | OLAF | REGIO | SEA | ECHO
Potential beneficiaries
EU national authorities responsible for border and return management, coast guards, local authorities, nongovernmental organizations, EU agencies, businesses and research networks.
Description and objectives
The integrity, security, and safety of borderless space within the EU and its customs union require effective management and protection of the EU’s external borders, especially in times of challenges posed by migration pressures and to deal with serious cross-border crimes. This mission is entrusted to the Integrated Border Management Fund (or IBMF, from its English acronym), which consists of two instruments: the Border Management and Visa Instrument (or BMVI) and the Customs Control Equipment Instrument.
The mission of the BMVI is to provide financial support to member states for the integrated and effective management of the Union’s external borders. The Instrument thus helps to ensure the security and free movement of people within the EU. The Tool:
- supports legitimate border crossings, prevents and detects illegal immigration and cross-border crime, and supports the management of migration movements;
- supports the common visa policy and helps prevent risks related to migration movements and security.
Types of actions and projects
The Border and Visa Management Facility (as well as, more generally, the Integrated Border Management Fund) is managed through various modalities: under direct management by European institutions, indirectly through dedicated agencies, and concurrently through the involvement of member states. Resources are allocated mainly through national (shared management) and thematic (for specific actions) programs.
The Facility provides operational support in the area of integrated border management and common visa policy through:
- The improvement of visa procedures in terms of efficiency for applicants, security and integrity;
- The development, maintenance and ‘interoperability of large-scale common IT systems, infrastructure and equipment in the area of border management and visa policy;
- The provision of systems and services, training, exchange of experts, deployment of immigration liaison officers, innovative solutions and new technologies and studies.
More specifically, the Instrument argues:
- The European Border and Coast Guard Agency;
- Interoperability of EU information systems, including the Entry/Exit System, Visa Information System, European Travel Information and Authorization System, Eurodac (the EU fingerprint database for identifying asylum seekers and irregular transits), and the Schengen Information System;
- Training and sending experts.
The Border and Visa Management Facility and the Integrated Border Management Fund build on what was achieved in the previous programming period through a similar Facility, financed by the Internal Security Fund. In this programming period, the external dimension (coverage and cooperation vis-à-vis third countries) is strengthened and more flexibility is provided (through a combination of implementation modes).