A reference reference to clarify or discover concepts and words

“N+2 / N+3” standard
- Concepts for europlanning
Structural Funds rule, which constrains the use of funds (= submission of payment application) by the second or third year following the year of their commitment (= allocation of funds). Unused funds are de-committed, meaning they return to the EU and will no longer be available to beneficiaries
Absorption capacity
- Concepts for europlanning
Measure of how well a managing authority is able to 1) Programming available funds for specific use, 2) allocate funds for the implementation of projects and activities and 3) actually spend them on activities carried out.
- Concepts for europlanning
A term that can identify any activity of a beneficiary funded by the EU (through grants, contracts, awards, or financial instruments). It is often synonymous with “project”
Action grant
- Concepts for europlanning
Grant intended to carry out a specific project or activity (as opposed to an operating grant, given to finance the operation of a body/organization)
- Concepts for europlanning
One of the operating principles of the Structural Funds. It envisages that community resources will be prefigured as additional to national resources and never a substitute for them.
- Concepts for europlanning
Exercise of influence toward those who wield power in an area or sector when associated with social needs and the mobilization of public opinion.
- Concepts for europlanning
Linkage of an organization with a beneficiary (especially financial or legal in nature) that is not limited to the project or established for the sole purpose of carrying out the project
- Concepts for europlanning
Act by which the terms and conditions of an agreement or contract are changed
Application form
- Concepts for europlanning
Binding document describing the project (objectives, results, outputs, partnership) and providing detailed information on the work and financial plan, based on a format and requirements that are specific and vary depending on the fund and program
Application form
- Concepts for europlanning
V. Application form
Areas of EU competence
- Community institutions
They are defined by Articles 3, 4 and 6 of the TFEU as respectively: art. 3) exclusive, i.e. pertaining exclusively to the EU (customs union, competition, euro, marine resources and trade policy; + international agreements); Art. 4) competing, i.e., shared between the EU and member states (internal market, social policy, economic, social and territorial cohesion, agriculture and fisheries, environment, consumers, transport, trans-European networks, energy, freedom, security and justice, and public health; + space, development cooperation and humanitarian aid); 6) complementary, with respect to the action of member states (health, industry, culture, tourism, education, training, youth and sports, civil protection and administrative cooperation).
- Concepts for europlanning
Organizations (particularly present in Brussels and at community institutions) that are active in a particular thematic area and that refer to similar national organizations, or larger organizations, or that gather members widely among small and medium-sized organizations active in their area of focus. They gather and represent other associations, serve as channels of representation to community institutions (lobbying and advocacy), and carry sector-specific expertise and thematic networking.