The NRP and Recovery Instrument are at the center of territories’ expectations: let’s find out the information made available by the NRP Observatories.

PNRR Observers: a valuable source of information

In our recent posts and in the section on the Recovery Instrument we have indicated the main sources available for gathering information on NRP calls and opportunities. We want to devote a new in-depth study to other sources of information that are less institutional, but equally useful and complementary to official sources. Sources that allow us to grasp and delve into many overall, cross-cutting and sectoral, concrete and operational aspects related to the NRP.

These are the Observers on the NRP, which have sprung up spontaneously and in various forms to respond to the needs of territories and civil society in terms of information, participation and democratic control over the use of this instrument that is so important for our country. The PNRR Observatories have different origins, nature and structuring, but are united by the idea of systematically collecting data, information and analysis on the management, use and impact of the so-called “Recovery Fund” in Italy.

Let us find out together the ones that, in our opinion, may be most interesting and informative. Of course, we are ready to welcome and review other observers and platforms: send us your suggestions on our social channels ( Facebook e LinkedIn ) and through our e-mail address .

The OpenPolis Foundation Observatory and OpenPNRR.

OpenPolis is a nonprofit foundation that promotes the culture and practice of access to data and information of collective interest, transparency, accountability and responsibility by public institutions, and participation and empowerment by citizens.

L’ NRP observatory of OpenPolis aims to monitor the approval and implementation of reforms, the proper allocation of resources and the progress of public works related precisely to the NRP. The information includes. in-depth articles , quantitative data , clarifications and definitions , external articles and events . The sections are well edited and the articles very thorough and interesting.

We cite as examples some of the most interesting and recent articles: What are the milestones and targets of the NRP, The impact of the NRP on territories, The role of local governments in the management of the NRP, All NRP deadlines to be completed in 2022, Local and regional authorities and NRP investments..

For those with a penchant for dealing with databases, OpenPolis also publishes on a’appropriate platform (OpenPNRR) all “open data” collected, developed and used by OpenPolis, broken down into Missions, Components, Measures, Deadlines e Organizations.

Recovery Plan Observatory (OReP)

The OReP is the Observatory promoted by a broad partnership , led by the Tor Vergata University of Rome and the PromoPA Foundation (a research foundation specializing in the field of education, cultural heritage and modernization processes of Public Administration).

The Recovery Plan Observatory has several interesting sections, including in particular:

Two tracking files of goals and objectives of the NRP and a section dedicated to the webinars of thematic insights (with access to materials and recordings).

The Sole24Ore Observatory

The Sole24Ore proposes its own PNRR Observatory rich in contributions and information. In addition to a series of summary articles, data and infographics offered on the homepage, the Sole24Ore platform includes in particular:

Most (but not all) items are accessible even without a subscription.

Other Observatories promoted by the Third Sector

Some Observatories originate from the Third Sector and promote a participatory vision of the NRP and its monitoring by citizens.

It is especially worth mentioning two of them, which at the moment mainly offer some in-depth news related to their specific areas of focus:

Also deserving of special mention is a series of insights proposed by the social research association Welforum (the “point” on the NRP).

The “point” on the NRP proposed by Welforum. analyzes in detail the implications and perspectives related to the NRP on the different areas of intervention of the Third Sector related to social welfare: social assistance, welfare, health, poverty alleviation, social inclusion, disability and non-self-sufficiency, childhood and old age, and others. The analyses are numerous, rich in content, and very thorough-a recommended support for those who are involved in these areas and want to learn more about the relevance and impact of the NRP for their business.

The Guide to EU Projects and Funding

The Guide to EU Projects and Funding does not deal with PNRR exclusively, but it can certainly be counted among the sources that regularly analyze the Plan’s characteristics and advances, with the intention of facilitating the understanding of and access to EU projects and funding by the Third Sector and all the actors (public and private) active in the development of Italian local organisations.

We have recently devoted a specific section from the Guide , as well as a summary sheet which is an access point to key information on the topic.

As mentioned above , we will still devote space, tools and insights to the topic of NRP and its good use in the territories.