The “Guide to Europlanning” family expands!

We welcome Fondazione Caritro to the team, which has joined the group of institutions supporting our Guide project.

This is an important achievement and testifies to the credibility of our project, which was started almost five years ago by the initiative of Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Cariplo and Fondazione CRC, with the sponsorship ofACRI (Association of Foundations and Savings Banks).

The participation of the Fondazione Caritro(Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Trento e Rovereto) enriches the Guide with the sensitivity and experience stemming from 150 years of history, in which the Fondazione Caritro has been able to accompany the economic, social and cultural development of its territory and the people of Trentino.

“Fondazione Caritro is proud to join the network of Foundations promoting and managing the Europlanning Guide. As a facilitator of opportunities and stimuli for Trentino realities to increase co-design skills and networking capabilities with other realities, we are happy to be able to actively contribute to the development of a clear, accessible, stimulating and constantly updated tool to offer useful information for the necessary approach of third sector entities to the logic of European planning.”Mauro Bondi, President of Fondazione Caritro

Fondazione Caritro operates in four areas of intervention: scientific and technological research; education, education and training; art, cultural activities and heritage; and voluntary work and social welfare. These themes correspond to those of major European programs and projects, with which philanthropic institutions and Foundations of banking origin have always worked in full synergy.

We extend our warmest welcome to you, greeting the friends and readers in Trent and Rovereto who have been following us even more closely since August.

Happy europlanning to all!