As it does every year, the fall is shaping up to be full of opportunities on European calls for proposals. Some of the most interesting are dedicated to young people and in different areas of expertise.

Erasmus+: the program par excellence dedicated to young people!

Fall deadlines for the Erasmus+ 2020 call for proposals related to some of the program’s actions are set by early next month. For all of them, the expected end date is October 1.

Mobility for youth and youth workers.

Strategic partnerships in the area of Youth.

Youth dialogue projects.

There is also a more specific call dedicated to practitioners (deadline Oct. 29):

Accreditation for Erasmus mobility in the areas of adult education, vocational education and training, and school education

We also point out an interesting new development that is part of the European actions in response to the Coronavirus emergency: two special calls dedicated to e-learning and creativity.

For both, the expected deadline is Oct. 29 (reference text here).

Digital education readiness: will support school education, vocational education and training, and higher education projects to improve online distance and blended learning, to support teachers and trainers, and to promote the inclusive nature of digital learning;

Creativity Partnerships: will support projects in the youth, school and adult education sectors to develop skills and competencies that encourage creativity and increase the quality, innovation and recognition of youth work.

European Solidarity Corps: dedicated to volunteering, internships and solidarity projects for young people

Also set for next month are the fall deadlines for the European Solidarity Corps 2020 call for proposals for the program’s various actions. The latter, established less than two years ago, inherits some of the funding and management arrangements of Erasmus+.

Due to the nature of the projects and the difficulties related to Coronavirus, it is advisable to refer to thenational agency or the official program website: activities (including calls) may change or slow down, and it is presumable that this also applies to Erasmus+ mobility projects.

We also recommend, for any mobility-related activities, the EU portal dedicated to evolving rules for travel to and from European countries. The notice has an October 1 deadline for:

Volunteer projects

Solidarity projects

Internship and work projects

COSME: the program dedicated to enterprise (and also to young entrepreneurs)

An “Erasmus” also exists under the COSME program and it is the one designed for Young Entrepreneurs, of which there is a deadline in a few weeks(September 23):

Erasmus for Young Global Entrepreneurs – Call for Preparatory Action.

The purpose of the call is to select 3 consortia that will prepare and manage exchanges between at least 100 European start-up entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs from non-European countries.

EaSI: the program dedicated to social innovation

Good news for third sector and social actors as well. Two EaSI program calls dedicated to social innovation and support for vulnerable people, respectively, expire Oct. 15:

Centers of expertise for social innovation

Establish and test integrated interventions aimed at supporting people in vulnerable situations

LIFE: the program dedicated to the environment and climate

For those concerned with climate and the environment, the deadline for the LIFE call for projects in the fight against climate change is important, and again attention should be paid to specific measures related to the Covid emergency (deadline Oct. 6)

Climate Action: traditional projects 2020

Continue to follow updates on European calls for proposals through CSVnet’s Infobandi service, available from our homepage.