The content enrichment of the Guide to EU Projects and Funding continues, with a fact sheet for each EU program and more in-depth coverage of structural and rural funds.

Community programs: another chapter completed

These days we have completed the drafting of the chapter 4 sheets , which describe in detail beneficiaries, objectives, actions, projects and main new features of all community programs.

If prior to this latest integration (and in the previous edition of the Guide) the main programs were covered, it is now also possible to find those related to more specific areas of possible interest to some readers: from programs related to nuclear power to those on space, defense, security and major infrastructure; from programs related to cooperation with specific countries to those aimed at strengthening the various institutional structures of member states (justice, tax, customs, reforms, anti-fraud services, borders and visas).

Even for those who do not deal with these specific areas, the coverage of all the programs (which is combined with a systematic collection of all the most important external links) is useful for a truly comprehensive overview of the architecture of EU funds.

Structural and rural funds: lots more information

Also these days, you can find online the new edition of chapter 2.2. On structural and rural funds. Again, the updated edition offers important new features:

A summary prospectus, for everything

In this way, we have completed the examination of all the European funds and programs of the 2021-2027 programming, summarized in this new edition of the Guide in a single prospectus . Each fund and each program has its counterpart in the sections (Community programs) 4. o 2.2. (structural and rural funds).

What are we missing? We need to complete the examination of national, regional and interregional structural fund programming (NOPs, ROPs, RDPs and Interreg programs), in Chapters 5 and 6. We will do so as soon as the relevant programs are approved: stay tuned.