A review of videos providing information and insight into major European programs and other issues.

The European Commission’s streaming service

Some time ago we provided a review of the main video channels of the Commission and other EU institutions, a useful source of information and insight. We jointly inaugurated the section of our Guide devoted, precisely, to videos and training.

In the aftermath of the launch of major European programs and many of the calls for proposals for the second year of the new programming, we offer a review of in-depth videos taken from thematic info-days in recent months and other events and opportunities for exchange and presentation.

We organize them by program and category, making the material on the streaming portal of the European Commission, which is not always easy to consult. The most important videos are also made available on our dedicated page .

European programs – the presentation events

We have already given visibility to some presentation and in-depth events related to the Cohesion Policy and Structural Funds. , at the European Info Days e Italian of Horizon Europe and related video resources. Those of a more general nature are taken up in the appropriate section of the Guide and cover the Erasmus+, Horizon Europe and LIFE programs.

The time has come to expand the offer to a number of other important European programs. In some cases (you can tell by the title) the events are focused on a particular annual call. Since these are European events, the videos are mainly in English.


We also propose the info day of an interesting European initiative related to urban projects, the European City Facility . It is more limited in scope than a European program but has produced three rounds of calls: the third is currently underway and the next is scheduled for May-June 2022.

Cohesion Policy, Structural Funds and REACT-EU.

Among the in-depth events and videos, we highlight three, of a more technical nature, related to the Structural Funds , to the Fund for a Just Transition and to REACT-EU , which have similar modes of operation and entrusted to national authorities:

Focus on communication issues

We highlight, below, some events and videos focused on communication issues that are very interesting and general in scope, potentially applicable to all European funds and programs.

A lecture series on the New European Bauhaus

The New European Bauhaus, one of Europe’s major new initiatives, combines sustainability and inclusiveness with artistic and architectural experimentation in the design of living spaces. We have already spoken here, where we presented an Italian-wide webinar series. For those interested in learning more, the European Commission has sponsored a long series of meetings on this topic, all of which are available as videos.

A series of specific conferences on other major European programs.

Long rounds of meetings have also been organized under other major European programs. They have a more specific slant than the more “classic” and general info days, but can be of great interest to those working in the various target sectors.

Creative Europe

Specific events and videos about the program Creative Europe (June/July 2021 events, some hosted on the Vimeo platform, from which videos can be downloaded):


Specific events and videos about the program Erasmus+ (November 2021 / February 2022 events):

Specific events and videos on the Connecting Europe Mechanism. :