Spring is just around the corner! A season full of events of great interest at the European level is approaching; an excellent period of events in the environmental sector 2019.

In May we have the European Parliament elections coming up, a pivotal moment for the EU institutions, but in the spring there are many events concerning European projects and policies, in Brussels as well as in other cities.

Two in particular not to be missed, especially for those working in the field of sustainable development, environmental protection and “green technology”!

EU Green Week 2019

May 13-17, in Brussels (with events in Warsaw and other cities in Europe)

Environmental laws and their enforcement have an enormous impact on our lives. This is the theme of the next edition of Green Week, Europe’s largest annual event in the field ofenvironment and environmental sustainability.

This year’s edition will follow the publication of the results of the Environmental Policy Implementation Review, expected soon. Green Week 2019 will bring across Europe the debate on the EU’s role in the environmental sector and on its importance to citizens: in addition to the official opening of the Green Week (on May 13 in Warsaw) and at themain event (May 15-17 in Brussels), the “green week” program will include a series of parallel events in other cities in Europe, including many in Italy, in the period between April 13 and June 9. Registration will open soon!

EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) 2019

June 17-21, in Brussels (with events in other cities across Europe)

The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the largest event dedicated to renewable energy and efficient energy use in Europe. It consists of a political conference of 3 days in Brussels, which among other things offers opportunities to networking for industry players, from a European “theme” competition (the EU Sustainable Energy Awards) and by various local events to be held in various cities across Europe between May and June, the Energy Days.

Do you want to better understand what this is all about? Find photos, program and awards from the previous edition here!

Two excellent opportunities to kick things up a notch and provide ideas, information, and contacts to the many actors in the area active in the field of environment and sustainable technologies!

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