We have already delved into some of the most interesting “European weeks,” unique moments of meeting, deepening and exchanging experiences at the European level in a great many areas.

We complete this small review (preceded by two posts on spring andfall events) with a few other useful dates to mark on your calendar for other times of the year.

Can you think of any others? Write to us and we will devote an in-depth study to them!

European Data Protection Day

January 28, 2019Data protection is a particularly topical issue and has been celebrated on January 28 since 2006. This symbolic date is chosen for the organization of major European and international conferences on the subject and for the publication of regulations, guidelines and awareness documents on privacy protection, intended for professionals and all (increasingly numerous and assiduous) users of new technologies.

European Industry Days.

Feb. 5-6, 2019Two days dedicated to debating the challenges of European industry, with high-level meetings, thematic sessions and talks with young entrepreneurs, meetings with experts and potential partners (all available via streaming), but above all a very wide range of events organized throughout Europe between January and March. A multi-disciplinary event full of insights for businesses, trade unions, institutions and civil society representatives.

European Start Up Week.

March 11-15, 2019This Week focuses on young businesses, with a threefold objective: to promote the best existing initiatives for start-ups, to provide advisory sessions on issues of particular relevance, and to create links between businesses and regional institutions interested in the topic. Events are organized throughout Europe and beyond, with the possibility ofcontinuous interaction with organizers and a frequently updated image gallery.

European Media Literacy Week.

March 18-22, 2019This Week is a new initiative by the European Commission to highlight the social importance of media literacy and promote initiatives and projects on this issue throughout the EU, with various events on the topic organized during the Week in Brussels and in member states. As part of the main event, the organization includes award ceremonies, a live video broadcast and an image gallery.

European Money Week

March 25-29, 2019Organized by the European Banking Federation, this Week focuses on the topic of financial education. The Week engages citizens and financial institutions from 32 countries (from the EU and beyond) with locally organized events and various public engagement moments, such as award ceremonies and quizzes for youngsters. The site also provides various useful materials on this important topic.

European Heritage Days

September 13-15, 2019These Days are probably the best known and best attended event of its kind organized in Europe. Apart from the actual Days, which are celebrated in September, the main feature of the initiative is the opening of monuments and sites and the organization of free tours (at various times of the year and in all countries) to learn to appreciate and safeguard the cultural heritage shared among European citizens.

European Day of Languages

September 26, 2019This Day has been celebrated for nearly 20 years and promotes the diversity of languages in Europe and their learning. The range of events organized in various countries is very wide. The site is very interactive: activities to test your multilingualism and assess your language skills, games and trivia about languages, national contacts, and specific information for teachers.

European Space Week

December 3-6, 2018 (new date to be determined)In addition to the ideal fascination it has always carried, space has strategic importance and great impact on our daily lives: telecommunications, GPS, monitoring of essential data, development and testing of cutting-edge technologies. It is also a highly successful area for cooperation among European actors. This Week is the time when it is talked about, with very diverse and multidisciplinary sessions(here those from last year’s edition).