Budget and European Programs, two concise guides to learn about and explore the European Commission’s official view of major EU programs.

Insights into 2021-2027 programming

We have devoted a special section of our Guide to the 2021-2027 Programming . They cannot miss, from our library of “guides” and from our in-depth studies on the subject, two important publications from the European Commission, which provide an excellent overview of this seven-year period of European projects: both financially and in terms of content.

Knowing the point of view of project funders and their view on programming is, of course, a fundamental condition for making successful proposals. Let us discover together these documents, which supplement some with more in-depth information the prospectus published on the appropriate page of our Guide. .

A recap guide on the seven-year European funds

A first, indispensable guide to understanding European funds and programs is the one the European Commission prepared in April 2021, in the aftermath of the official approval of the seven-year EU budget and the “package” known as the Recovery Instrument.

It can be downloaded here. Why is it interesting?

Understanding European programs: vision and indicators

A second very interesting guide is the one devoted to “macro” indicators of community programs. It is closely related to the previous one and to the community budget: in fact, it serves to define its “performance framework,” that is, to provide the parameters for measuring its effectiveness.

It can be downloaded here. Why is it interesting?

An extra gear to understand European programming

This brief review should give sufficient reasons to dive straight into reading these documents: they represent an important “building block” in our understanding of community programs in this seven-year period. We will take up some elements of this in the pages of our Guide.