Let’s find out about this months’ calls: for small and medium-sized enterprises, European rights and values, integration and inclusion, and active lifestyles.

European calls 2023, spring n period full of opportunities

This period is also full of calls and opportunities on European projects. Many calls for proposals are open at this time to promote the action of small and medium-sized enterprises in various thematic areas, program calls for the promotion of citizenship, rights and anti-discrimination, calls for the support, integration and inclusion of migrants, four awards aimed at recognizing initiatives to promote active lifestyles. Let’s find out together.

Don’t forget to look directly at the Funding & Tenders and the calls pages of the Fo nd Structural Funds and the NRP to discover and keep you updated on other opportunities.


Small and medium-sized enterprises (Single Market Program)

The opportunities in this area are particularly numerous; therefore, we have organized them by macro-sectors. These are in many cases small grants “within the reach” of SMEs, launched as part of larger projects and framework grants.

  1. Agricultural and agribusiness supply chains


  1. Social, tourism, creative and cultural enterprises


  1. Innovation and green and digital transition


  1. Ukraine and other


Citizenship, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV)

We have already presented these opportunities in a post post dedicated to what’s new in the CERV program . These are very “heartfelt” calls by Third Sector organizations active in the promotion of rights and citizenship.


Fund for Asylum, Migration and Integration (FAMI)

Many calls from the Fund dedicated to the support, integration and inclusion of migrants are open, all of which expire on May 16..



Four “awards” aimed at recognizing initiatives to promote active lifestyles are open under the Erasmus+ program, all of which expire on May 25..