Never before has the debate about Europe and the future of European integration been so heated. Many people talk about it, citing data and information: but how many really know about it?

We refresh our knowledge of what Europe is and what it does for its citizens in a specialized section of the European Union’s website dedicated to outreach and education.

It is called Teachers’ Corner and contains short and incisive presentations, quizzes, and interactive materials explain Europe to the general public and especially to younger people, the European citizens of tomorrow. I teaching materials collected are interesting even for the most knowledgeable.

Feel like going deeper? The European Union website offers a bookshop (free of course) full of quality publications, supported by a search engine (by type, industry, topic, author language) immediate and effective. It is worth taking a look at the annual report on the activities of the European Union and to the series “ the EU at a Glance. “, which offers monographs referring to Europe’s activities and challenges on a wide variety of topics.

Tired of fake news? Perhaps not everyone knows that the European Commission’s Representation in Italy has activated a column, #Ueverofalso, which aims to respond to some of the most frequent “hoaxes” bouncing around on social media involving the European Union. A similar service is also made available by EU representations in other countries: for example, by the one in France , in the United Kingdom and in Germany . When in Rome, “hoax” is what you find….

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