These days EU4Health, the European program in the health sector that will accompany us for the next 7 years, came into effect. Let’s find out together

EU4Heatlh: a key-program for health and resilience

The “mosaic” of European programs from 2021-2027 is gradually beginning to come together. We recently published important updates regarding Horizon Europe and Erasmus+. We expect that important updates on all the other programs will gradually appear between the pages of our Guide, more and more frequently.

Today we discuss the EU4Health program, formerly known (more simply) as the Health program. The program is now in its fourth year (the first was in 2003). This latest edition is, among the four, the one accompanied by more political attention and a larger budget. Indeed, the EU4Health program invests in numerous health-related policy issues, many of which have become more evident during the current pandemic.

The priority nature of the area covered by EU4Health led to its swift official approval, earlier than other programs: a priority and speed shared with other programs aimed at combating the consequences of the pandemic, such as REACT-EU (aimed at overcoming the economic and social crisis induced by Covid-19) and the well-known Recovery and Resilience Device (to which we have devoted several in-depth reviews).

EU4Health: the fruit of a broad policy debate

The legislative path of the EU4Health program regulation was concluded last March 26 with its final publication in the Official Journal.

The policy debate on this issue has been very multifaceted and has involved various dimensions: all related to one of the EU’s major strategic priorities, the creation of a broader, integrated “European Health Union.”

The areas touched upon in this debate are many, so we will just mention the main ones: technologies in support of the health sector; health data sharing; border controls to deal with health threats; workers’ health; preparedness for health emergencies; cancer control; disease prevention and control; study, control and procurement of medicines; and the establishment of a common pharmaceutical strategy.

EU4Health: key features

The EU4Health 2021-2027 program has a total budget of €5.1 billion (almost 10 times that of the previous Health 2014-2020 program), available to strengthen the resilience of health systems, promote innovation in the health sector, and respond to the health emergencies of our time and the future (Covid-19, communicable and noncommunicable diseases, cancer, lifestyle).

Thematically , in addition to combating Covid-19 and cross-border health emergencies, the main health priorities identified are fighting cancer, combating antibiotic resistance, and improving vaccination rates. The recently enacted Regulations are very detailed and include 10 objectives, which are in turn broken down into dozens of possible actions:

EU4Heath will work in synergy with other funds and programs that may involve similar or related aspects: the ESF (access to health care by vulnerable groups), ERDF (regional health infrastructure), Horizon Europe (health research), RescEU (emergency supplies), Digital Europe and Connecting Europe Facility (digital infrastructure and tools that can be used in health care).

EU4Health: the tools available

Like other major programs, EU4Health offers a variety of effective tools for practitioners and potential beneficiaries. We recall in particular:

EU4Health: ready to go

Also with EU4Health we have all the elements to organize the activity during this year and the rest of the seven-year period. Its presence and recent official launch (both closely linked to the broader project of a “European Health Union“) are a hopeful sign for Europe’s health future.

We look forward to the work program and the first notices shortly. Keep following us.