As with all sectors and all aspects of daily and professional life, this is a special time for European calls for proposals. For our “one question, one answer” column, we analyze today an issue that is very much in the news these days:

What are the most obvious aspects of Covid-19’s impact on European projects?

The answer is not easy, because the situation is constantly evolving and changes a lot, not only from day to day, but also depending on sectors, types of projects, and what we mean by “European funds.”

But let’s try to summarize below the points that we believe are fundamental. What do you think and what are (and/or were) the most significant aspects of this period for you? Write to us and bring us your point of view!

Deadlines and daily life of projects

First, the coronavirus and the restrictive measures taken in all European countries have led program management authorities (at all levels, European, national and regional) to move forward the deadlines of many calls for proposals (we have discussed this: here and here). For what reason? There are several, obvious ones:

In this regard, we encourage you to regularly consult the call alert services (including the one made available by CSVnet starting from our homepage) and (even better) the official information sources of the calls in which you are interested.

It is also important to make the most of the additional time that is given to revise the rationale for the projects we present in light of the changed European situation: for example, envisaging greater use of communication and remote co-working technologies, or a revisiting of interventions to mitigate (in each area of intervention) the effects not only of health, but also of economic, social and educational effects of the coronavirus-induced crisis. It will certainly be an important element in evaluations of current and upcoming projects.

Project implementation was also affected by Covid-19: project activities postponed or canceled, difficulties in maintaining contact between partners and with managing authorities, and the need to revise planned actions based on changed context conditions. Reference sites and contact with the respective contact persons should make it possible to solve most of the problems, but negative effects are inevitable for projects that by their nature involve the mobility of people between European countries and the exchange of experience. Here are some examples of web pages devoted to this issue, on some European programs:

It is necessary to approach this period in the life of our projects with a good dose of flexibility, creativity and attention to opportunities: it is in periods like this that new solutions and new ways of approaching problems arise, which in these changed conditions are analyzed from a different point of view. In addition, increased time spent online in our working lives can (paradoxically) lead us to explore realities and develop contacts far from our usual networks.

New funding lines

Of course, as mentioned in previous posts (see here and here), the European Union’s response to the new challenges posed by the coronavirus is also seen through the provision of new funding lines and calls specifically for the time of emergency. In this regard, for the sake of clarity for those involved in Europrojecting, it is useful to make a distinction between four main types of “funding-Covid.”

Ministry of Economy and Finance -measuresto support health and the economy

Piedmont Region – European Funds(Calls / ESF / ERDF / EAFRD) and measures for Covid-19

Lombardy Region – European Funds(Calls / ESF / ERDF / EAFRD) and measures for Covid-19

Lazio Region- European Funds(Calls / ESF / ERDF / EAFRD) and measures for Covid-19

As this quick review shows, there is a need for a broad view of European funds and even broader monitoring of opportunities to find “the ideal call” at this particularly difficult time for everyone-individuals, businesses, institutions and associations in the area. We hope that the information and links in this post will be a real help in this regard!

A broader vision

Last but not least, remember that this period has seen the spread of various online training and self-education initiatives: an opportunity to which we have dedicated and will dedicate many insights within our Guide! Another very interesting aspect we intend to explore is the impact of Covid-19 on two particularly important issues of recent months-and the months to come: the 2021-2027 financial framework and Brexit(1 | 2). Because to immediate effects on calls for proposals, coronavirus could also have an impact on the evolution of policies and the very framework in which European projects are created and funded. This year’s European budget itself was (of course) amended to address the emergency (aninfographic here).

We will be back there soon!