On Tuesday, Nov. 29 from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., the meeting will be held at the headquarters of the CRT Foundation. “Creative Europe: what’s next?”, an event designed and organized by theCulture Office and by theMEDIA Turin Office of the Creative Europe Desk Italy, with the collaboration of Fondazione CRT and Europe Direct Torino.

Three years after the first Creative Europe calls launched by EACEA, there are still many opportunities to participate in the program. With this in mind, “Creative Europe: what’s next?” is presented, an event aimed at retracing the steps of the programin conjunction withthe projects funded and to begin to find out how the Cultural and Creative Industries Guarantee Fund will work.

The morning will be divided into three parts: in the first, the following will be presented upcoming calls and deadlines for the 2017 of Creative Europe, followed by a presentation and analysis of the Cultural and creative sectors guarantee fund of 121 million euros – launched by the European Commission on June 30, 2016 – To encourage banks to lend more easily to cultural and audiovisual SME projects and initiatives. The last session of the proceedings, on the other hand, will be reserved for the stories of the projects that have so far won calls and been funded, and will also be a way to look back at the first 3 years of the Program and recount success stories that new participants can be inspired by.

#Wnext is the official hashtag for the event.

For event registration and detailed info on the day’s program click here